Starting Out

If you’ve got a business, you need to be on social media” – but where do you start? Which platforms should you be on and what should you post?

There is so much to think about – and when you have all of the other aspects of running a business to contend with too, things get a bit much.

So, let’s start at the beginning – what do we want to achieve by being on social media? Is it brand awareness? Is it more customers? Is it more educational?

Next – who are we talking to? Who is our target market? Some people call this an ideal customer or an avatar, whatever you call it, it’s important to know who they are, because your posts need to appeal to them and be on the platforms that they are hanging out on.

Frequency – how often will you be able to post? You don’t have to post every day (although if you’re using Instagram, I’d recommend putting a story on every day) but try to be consistent – don’t post three times a week for three weeks and then nothing for another three weeks – you’ll be forgotten quickly.

And now that we know how often we’re going to post, we can start to come up with content for those posts – but before we do that, how about deciding which platforms we’ll be on? Where do your target market hang out? If they’re on TikTok, then you might have to bite the bullet and get involved – are they on Facebook? Instagram? Twitter?(I refuse to call it X), LinkedIn?

Now we’ve got that, let’s revisit the content – and I encourage you to consider what your audience wants to see – do they want tips on how to apply that make up that you sell so that they can look as good as the models who advertise it? Do they want time saving hacks to get their kids to school on time? Do they want an opportunity to show off the crafty creations they’ve made? I can’t answer these questions for you – but I don’t know your audience – YOU DO.

Your social media plan is not set in stone – if something doesn't work, you can change it – but have a plan to start with.

If you want some help to get started, download the mindmap document to help you focus a bit on your 2024 plan.

If you still need some help, maybe it’s time to book in for a cake date with me and see how I can help to make social media EASY for you in 2024


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The Hashtag Hunt: